life's major changes walk in quietly

Thursday, February 10, 2011

chandogya upanishad

there is the allegory of two dogs performing vedic rituals and following each other around the sacred fire on dog holding the tail of the other somewhat in the manner of two human beings.wonder what it means? will find out and write later.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Kitten. Cherry

                I lost my kitten, Cherry,  last night.It was mauled by dogs from the streets.I cant yet find anything to say about it.It was a pointless death but perhaps it was a pointless life for her.But for me she was a miracle.Always playful , she was also very pretty.Like all kittens she was very curious too.That is how she wandered into my neighbor's yard and couldn't come back it seems.All my neighbors rallied around but could not save her.I have failed her and could not help when she needed me.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Asma mahfouz

"people I am going to Tahir Square" wrote Asma Mehfouz a 26 year old Egyptian girl on Facebook.This snowballed into the January 25th uprising against President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.She said she was angry that everybody said they had to take action but nobody did so.She wrote that day on Facebook that she was going to demand the rights of her country.
       What is it that sparks a fire in the hearts of people? Two such remarkable incidents come to my mind ;
One is the speech of Martin Luther King  on 28th August 1963, 'I have a dream', the other is the revolution brought about by Joan of Arc in France.
      These are masterstrokes of of destiny.Masterstrokes with a flourish if I may add.Epiphanies as it were....
Asma Mehfouz will no doubt go down in history as such a catalyst.She spoke up like the little boy in the story 'the emperor's new clothes'. Someone who could see what others could not and someone who had the courage to speak up without pretenses when the need arose. God Bless Her!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


the chips are definitely down...........

In life's wasteland
I sally
Over hill ,plateau
and valley
a depressed mass 
of self pity
not master or emperor
but a slave of the galley
no joy to anyone
much less to me
over and over and over
no matter where 
I turn or strain
my thoughts rush in
as a volley
only to drown me
swallow me
and render me 
prone to folly 
in life's wasteland I sally

what if I am a failure?
what if it is all over?
what if?
In life's wasteland I sally.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

nawab wajid ali

or was it Raja Wajid Ali?Anyway the story goes that he penned the famous song 'babul mora chuta jaye' when he was imprisoned in his own palace by the British.the point I am trying to drive is the layers of meaning in one song!
i) bride is taken to her marital home in a doli
ii) A hearse is taken to its destination
iii) we are leaving our homeland for a more distant land
iv)there may be yet another meaning of this soul leaving its home in the world to meet the Lord
how great is that!
Anyway it shows what solitude can do!
Sorry ,the Raja was more poetic than me.Just wanted to share this tidbit from today's paper.